Sports Academy Cup Basketball Tournament Series
The home team must wear light colored uniform tops and the away team must wear dark
colored uniform tops.
When looking at the schedule, the home team will be on the top and the away team will be on the bottom.
Game officials have the authority to eject players and coaches for poor sportsmanship at their discretion. All ejections are reviewed by the referee assignor and tournament director(s).
All coaches must check-in at the designated location and receive a wristband in order to sit on the bench. Only two coaches are allowed per team. A program director may take the place of an assistant coach with prior approval.
Coaches are responsible for controlling team spectators and fans. Referees and tournament officials have the authority to ask a player to leave for unsportsmanlike conduct. Teams can receive technical fouls for the actions of their coaches, players and spectators.
If a coach, player, or spectator is ejected from the game, the tournament director(s) reserves the right to be able to suspend the ejected coach, player or spectator for one game. The suspended coach, player or spectator may not be allowed on the property for the game in which they are suspended if the tournament director feels it is necessary. An ejected coach, player, or spectator must leave the vicinity of the playing court. He or she must be out of earshot and out of sight of the officiating staff.
In the event of a two-way tie in pool play, the tie will be determined by the head-to-head outcome between the teams.
In the event of a three-way tie, the tie will be determined by point differential with a maximum +/- of 15 points in any one game and only games against teams involved in the tie will be factored in. If there is a tie in point margin differential between two teams within the three-way tie, head-to-head will be used to determine which of the two teams advances. In the event that point differential does not break the tie between any of the teams (three or more teams), the tie between these remaining teams only will be determined by least points allowed against all of the teams involved in the tie.
For any game that results in a forfeit, the score will be 15 - 0. The winning team receives a +15 and the losing team receives a -15.
All other rules, not specifically mentioned herein, will be in accordance with CIF “Southern Section” high school basketball rules.
Open divisions for all Mamba Cup Tournaments are grade based. Under these rules, any player who shows current proof of grade (report card, progress report, or school ID) is eligible to play for that grade level. All other divisions are age-based with two (2) grade exceptions allowed per team.
An opposing coach can submit a challenge of a player’s grade or age exception with a $100.00 deposit. Parents or fans associated with a team may not protest. The protest must come from the head coach or the one assistant coach who is allowed on the bench per team. A protest of a player’s age or grade must be submitted before the game starts, or within 30 minutes of the game’s completion.
Once the schedule is posted, any teams who decide to remove their teams from the event will not be granted a refund and will jeopardize participation in future events.